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Lizzie the lobster makes waves as new hatchery proves popular

Kirsty Smith

17 Aug 2022

The summer star of the Berwickshire Marine Reserve Lobster Hatchery Project, ‘Lizzie the Lobster’ has been returned to the sea.

Lizzie, the second berried lobster at the hatchery, was waved off by reserve staff, children from Seashells Nursery in Eyemouth and Scottish Borders Councillors for East Berwickshire, James Anderson and Aileen Orr.

Lauren Nieuwenhuys, Berwickshire Marine Reserve’s community outreach officer, said: “Lizzie has been very popular with locals and visitors. schoolchildren have been keen to see how she has been getting on and the development of the larvae she has produced so it was nice to see some of the children here to wave her goodbye.”

Berwickshire Marine Reserve executive director Andy Ashcroft said the reserve had been able to keep the Lobster Hatchery and Marine Education Centre open thanks to the support of the Lottery Platinum Jubilee Fund and Scottish Borders Council.

He added: "We had over a thousand visitors to the facility in the first few weeks which demonstrates the public interest in the environment and marine conservation.”

Councillor Anderson said: “It was a fascinating morning on Eyemouth Beach for Scottish Borders councillors and officers, as well as the judges from Beautiful Scotland, Sandy and Adrian.

"Meeting the local nursery children and seeing them enjoy outdoor learning was lovely.

“The clear need for the work of Berwickshire Marine Reserve was obvious and as elected members we give continued support to the reserve which is an asset to our local coastal communities.”

Berwickshire Marine Reserve was Scotland’s first voluntary marine reserve and works today to conserve the biodiversity of the area, promote responsible recreational use and raise awareness of the marine environment.

After a successful launch in January, February and over the Easter holidays, the Berwickshire Lobster Hatchery and Marine Education Centre has been open in the Hippodrome on Harbour Road, Eyemouth, since July 1.

The centre showcases the variety of marine life in the area and has a wealth of information about lobster and the creel fishing industry.

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